His legacy of discovery and caring instruction is both inspiring and humbling,” said Steven Boggs, dean of the Division of Physical Sciences. “Sheldon Schultz was instrumental in shaping UC San Diego physics. He is also remembered as a caring teacher and a kind and successful individual. Schultz worked on campus as a researcher for 53 years, and he led the Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR) from 1990 to 2000. This is the sphere of the ultrasmall and the ultrafast-atoms and molecules vibrating at quadrillionths-of-a-second cycles-and nanotechnology. Schultz’ work has also been applied to enhancing electromagnetic fields as part of ultrafast science. Their research created a new class of materials that have unique optical properties and have been used in a number of modern technological applications, including manipulating light to circumvent objects, creating a so-called “cloak of invisibility”-similar to the one made famous in the Harry Potter books and films. The symposium celebrates the vast achievements of Sheldon “Shelly” Schultz, the late professor of physics who, along with colleagues, discovered metamaterials that were recognized as a scientific breakthrough by the journal “Science” in 2003.

to 6 p.m., at the Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club on campus-guests planning to attend are required to register in advance. The University of California San Diego’s Department of Physics is hosting a celebration open to the public called “ Shelly Schultz Symposium: A Life in Science,” Monday, Sept. The Shelly Schultz Symposium will honor the scientific achievements of UC San Diego’s Sheldon “Shelly” Schultz, pictured here.